Lo pon noù
The new bridge

Effort uni d’habitants, valeur des représentants M. Chev. J, Bruil syndic – G. Rattone député, douèrent la commune d’Introd de cette remarquable construction…!
Built during World War I, with an 80 metres drop, this bridge is a real architectural masterpiece. The works began on July 5th 1915 and finished one year later. Entire tree logs have been used to build the enormous scaffolding, 8 meters wide and 34 meters in length. The stones used in the works have been mined from Norat village.

Lo pon vioù
The old bridge

This bridge made of stone was built between the years 1827 and 1828. Until 1916 it was the only way to arrive to the main village, from the Valley. On the parapet, in the center of the bridge, there is a magnificent stone Cross; according to tradition, it was erected in memory of a man fallen into the void; perhaps a worker while dismantling the scaffolding, or perhaps a shepherd, who fell with a calf he was trying to save.
Historical curiosity: The old bridge replaced an older one, once called “grand pont d’Introd”, still visible nowadays, near the current bridge.