What if we could travel in time? Here it’s possible!
 The local tradition is perfectly maintained, memories and traces of a past still intact relive in the village daily activities. The thousand-year-old traditional handicraft is still alive at Les Amis du Bois and so is the sensory experience of the ethnographic museum Maison Bruil.
 And again… the ancient dairy stores, the alpine architecture perfectly stored, jealously guarded traditional techniques will be a unique involvement for you.

Virtual Tour in the
Dairy Plan d'Introd!

Discover the virtual tour in the Plan d’Introd’s Dairy… An incredible interactive path into the ancient traditions!

Maison Bruil d'Introd

Maison Bruil di Introd is one of the most important examples of rural architecture of the area of Gran Paradiso.
It is an ancient rural house built in 1683; all the spaces necessary to human and animal survival are gathered together below the same roof.
The current shape is the result of an architectonical evolution that started in 1683 and ended in 1856, when, from the original “columns house”, different constructions conflated in only one nucleus.
A guided tour is available and it is possible to visit the three floors of the traditional house, where the rooms have been restored to their original function. The “crotta”, the natural icebox, the “crotteun”, “the peillo”, exsiccation rooms and the attic are some of the spaces the public can visit to discover more about traditional architecture.

visita la maison d’introd >>>

Maison Bruil di Introd is one of the most important examples of rural architecture of the area of Gran Paradiso.
It is an ancient rural house built in 1683; all the spaces necessary to human and animal survival are gathered together below the same roof.
The current shape is the result of an architectonical evolution that started in 1683 and ended in 1856, when, from the original “columns house”, different constructions conflated in only one nucleus.
A guided tour is available and it is possible to visit the three floors of the traditional house, where the rooms have been restored to their original function. The “crotta”, the natural icebox, the “crotteun”, “the peillo”, exsiccation rooms and the attic are some of the spaces the public can visit to discover more about traditional architecture.

All’interno del museo è presente uno spazio speciale: l’Atelier du Goût, una vetrina sui prodotti dell’Espace Grand Paradis, zona che si colloca ai piedi del Gran Paradiso. In particolare vengono messi in primo piano le tecniche e il contesto culturale in cui nascono i prodotti della tradizione valdostana. Nell’Atelier du Goût vengono organizzate occasionalmente, o su prenotazione, degustazioni di prodotti dell’enogastronomia valdostana con la possibilità di conoscere i veri protagonisti della specificità della produzione locale: gli agricoltori, i casari, i vigneron e gli artigiani.
Un ulteriore spazio all’interno di Maison Bruil è stato dedicato alla vendita e alla promozione dei prodotti tipici della Valle d’Aosta accuratamente selezionati e presentati nel portale www.tascapan.com

La Nuits de Temps

La Nuits de Temps is a journey to discover a community and the history of its villages and villagers. The characters from the past become the descendants of today, living in the same sites.

Relieve the Tradition

Les Amis du Bois

‘Sabots’, ‘grolle’, cutting boards, sculptures… at Les Amis du Bois you find all the objects of the craftsmanship from Valle d’Aosta. It’s a very ancient art passed on from generations to generations, still alive in the artifacts today created by this small local firm.

Lo Triolet

The winery Lo Triolet started from the owners’ great passion for vineyards, growing on steep yet generous soils, constantly searching for improving the qualities of local wines.

Rollandoz Honey

It’s a family company specialized in producing with passion honeys from acacia, lime-tree,mixed-flowers, chestnut, rhododendron. Their apiaries are scattered around various areas of Vertosan and Arpy.

I Fontanili

A Introd si possono osservare parecchi fontanili coperti da un tettuccio: ve ne sono una quindicina. Non vi è menzione di quando la copertura è stata costruita, ma esse richiamano alla mente i consigli dati dall’abbé Joseph-Marie Trèves; questo grande filantropo valdostano, nell’intento di difendere le donne che si recavano al lavatoio, sovente fino alla vigilia del parto.